Friday, December 16, 2016

Happy Half-Birthday, Sarah Parker!

Can you believe it? Sweet Sarah Parker is 18-months-old today!

For those of you who know and love me best, it will come as no surprise that we celebrate the 16th of December. Half-birthdays have always been important to me simply because they inspire us to celebrate and interrupt our everyday lives. Spark is no longer just a "year old", but she isn't quite two either- she is just where she is supposed to be and we are loving every minute!

I remember as the months marched on of her first year of life how I would mourn over the little time left we had of her being a true "baby". While that time is bittersweet, I realize now how dramatic I was being; children are made to grow up and that is a beautiful thing! I no longer get sad over how big Sarah Parker is becoming (sentimental, maybe, but not sad), and instead am so ecstatic to see what she learns and where she is headed next. Life is such a joyous journey with our girl!

For my memory's sake, here is a short list of what Spark is up to these days.

She can...
-Recognize the letter "A" ("ayyyyyyeee")
-Point to most colors when asked and call some by the correct name ("bue!" and "pupul!" are her favorites)
-Correctly identify many farm animals and tell some of their sounds (cats seem to be her most-loved, much to the chagrin of her parents)
-Say several dozen words. She is becoming quite the talker!
-Recognize pretty much every nursery rhyme known to man AND perform their motions. If, perchance, a song doesn't have motions, she makes up her own!
-Point to some of her body parts when prompted (head, nose, mouth, eyes, ears, chin, belly, and toes)

She loves...
-Books! She loves to be read to and to look at books on her own
-Making messes of any kind
-Wearing shoes- especially her winter boots
-Watching Peppa Pig and Mickey Mouse in small doses
-Eating- especially cheese, beans, bananas, apples, and yogurt
-Music (see nursery rhyme note above)
Organizing and helping mommy tidy up
-Stomping on leaves
-Playing at the park and sliding on the toddler slide by herself
-Being thrown on the bed and twirled around by daddy
-Cuddling and snuggling with mommy

Always on the move!

We love you Sarah Parker McGarry and are so glad you're ours!

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